
OK. Here’s the rough version! Fair warning tho, POOCHow was dirty but still maybe cute. This one on the other hand, I think its just dirty… The basis of the idea is “Would you eat just about anything to avoid starvation or would you just give up living?” So, the idea is fairly simple. It’s a girl that stays in a public toilet and cleans it. With her tongue and mouth. She’s taken care of by a maniacal janitor who put her there. He just kept her locked in a tiny supply closet during the day and let her out to work during his night shift. The thing is he doesn’t force her to “clean” the place, but he doesn’t feed her anything. Of course, at first, it took a few days for her to start “working”. Knowing by the smell and eventually by the taste that the only source of food she can get is from her “work”. She eventually chose to do it instead of starving. She does her job by smelling her targets and following some directions from her captor. Who sometimes rewards her with semen feed and a fuck or two at the end of their shift. Oh, Also gives her regular antibiotics and vitamins after work.
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