[Tier reward] Were-Puppers.

Story by Maddisaurus
Halloween has come once again. A time of year that Pepper was never aware of till it was upon her, due to being kept inside the facility more often than not. But when it was time she became a topic of discussion in a flash. Typically they talked about the experiments she was involved in with little reference to her. Mostly just tech mumbo jumbo and test results and how they could be altered or improved. It was impersonal… She was Experiment 717, there to be used in whatever way the eggheads could come up with. Nothing more…
Though when holidays hit, especially ones where they could have some fun at her expense, she was suddenly being focused on. It was unnerving to say the least and made her more self-conscious than she would like… It was as if these holidays were here to be a constant reminder of who she was in the face of what she had become. It seemed as though, just as she would begin to grow complacent or stop acknowledging herself as anything more than a test subject in the guise of a petgirl, she would be snapped back to reality by events like this.
What was it about being talked to rather than about, that caused this? Was it the more personal interactions that pulled her mind back? She had always resisted the experiments and gone out for her way to be difficult, but was it becoming habit? Something she did more on instinct, rather than for a purpose? Her mind raced as it caught back up to what she had become and where she was heading. Was this part of the Experiment of 717 also? This study of her mind, that seemed to be caught in a tug of war between being human and falling into the puppy within.
Her costume this year reflected that sentiment as well, the Were-Puppers. Which delighted all the staff in the Experimental Division as they watched the helpless girl thrash about and wrestle in mind and body with her humiliation, anger, and depravity at becoming more beast than person.
A pic for our Maddisaurus who also wrote the story! A belate halloween celebration^^
Thank you for the support and for letting me share!
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