[Tier reward] Vampire’s New Diet

Though their pursuit was rapid, the Night Hunters were still too late. After rescuing Visi from the coven of vampires that had abducted the young alchemist, they discovered that she had already been turned thrall; yet loath they were to end a heretofore innocent life, so instead they took her in, keeping her in magical restraints for her safety and theirs, and enlisting her help in searching for ways to mitigate vampirism.
A true cure still eludes them. Yet they have since discovered an alternative to blood, one that sates her hunger and prevents withdrawal, yet does not bolster her power when consumed. For now, it permits Visi to live a life comfortable, cared-for, and most importantly, fed.
A pic for AmorIncorporated who also wrote the caption!
Thank you for the support and for letting me share!
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