[Throwback] Those puppy eyes

Other than being a mate for Brucie, Patches also still has to tend to their master’s needs.
Brucie doesn’t mind. He gets a break from the mischievous little bitch and the master is the alpha of their little pack after all.
A follow up on Patches’ daily life :3
This is a brand new piece!
I just love drawing girls’ faces. Specifically the eyes, u know? It’s like looking in to a galaxy. They are just so magical <3
*All characters depicted are adult of 18+ years of age, and fictional.
~Pepper: Be sure to check out the “Last day of April” for the story of Patches if you’d like more insight into how things got to this point. (Warning: story is dark) Got to love that that look on her face and does make me snicker how none plus Bruce looks hehehe
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