The Trainee: Prologue

“What do you mean you need me to… I don’t understand.”
Virginia stared at her professor in disbelief. This has to be a joke.
“Why can’t we use a normal compulsory petgirl? and trained her to be a specialize therapy pet. Wouldn’t that be the better approach to this?” She asked. Confident that logic is on her side.
“If we use any random sluts then this research wouldn’t be any different from the previous observatory researches, or even the normal human service pet program. We already know that people enjoy fucking them, Ginnie.” Dr. Meier, Virginia’s adviser said in an extraordinary calm tone. While her 24 years old graduate student is still in shock from her supervisor’s pitch.
“We want to find out the positive effect of employing a psychiatry trained human as a specialized therapy service pet for the patient who need special care. All researches so far show that it highly likely can be immensely beneficial approach for people with severe social anxiety disorder.” Dr. Meier said as she flips through dozens of academic papers on her desk. Still ignoring the shell shocked grad student.
“We can’t train therapy dogs to understand mental disorders. Heck, we can’t even train these petgirls to understand them well enough. They are too horny to get anything scientific done.” She stops, and hands Virginia a folder with a heartpaw sign on it, with a label “Special volunteer program proposal” on top of the cover.
“So we have to train someone with psychiatry knowledge to be a therapy pet. And Ginnie, you are perfect for this experiment.”
Virginia didn’t take the folder. She’s still frozen. Her mind’s coming up with hundreds of reasons why this is an insane experiment, but knowing her professor, there’s not many thing that can change her mind.
“B… but that would mean I have to be trained to become a petgirl! It take a year for a pet to be allow to service a civilian, more for a medical related service pet. I plan to finish my thesis by next year. This wouldn’t work at all!” Yes! This is it! The timeline won’t work! It would reflex poorly on Dr’ Meier if she’s late to graduate, and Virginia knows that’s not acceptable to her.
“On the contrary, This will guarantee that you can finish your thesis before the end of this year” Dr. Meier pulls out a document from the folder and put it in Virginia’s hand. The header reads “PetSitter 2.0”
“This is the new pet control system that the boys at Obedience school have been testing for half a year now on compulsory pets and volunteers. Apparently this new version has built-in automatic training system that allow a pet to be train with almost no trainer’s involvement. Perfectly suitable for volunteers who can train themselves at home.”
Virginia eyes tremble as she look at a picture of a pet collar with the menacing device attached to it.
“You can train here in our lab for a week with an obedience school trainer, while do the rest by ourselves with the patients in the clinic and a specialized trainer, specifically for our experiment. The people who made this new system promised that you can be ready with in a month.”
“A month?” The young grad student repeats.
“Afterward, we put you in solo with the subject. You interact and conduct the experiment directly with them. We both observe and report until we have enough data. Should be just another month. Then you are done. I promise you that we can get a first class publication out of this, and your thesis will be a piece of cake and can be done before the year end.”
“Have I mention that the Faculty will fully funds the project of course. You will get paid very well for this. The University also guaranteed a PhD position and scholarship for you after you finished.”
Virginia can’t believe it. After years of struggling financially to fund her education by working while studying, this project might be the answer to all her problems. This twisted experiment.
“What do you think about that?” The professor asks. There was a long silence between them, before the young student nod without saying anything. Dr. Meier smiles back, and signal Virginia to walk out of the office with her.
“One thing about our experiment specialized trainer” She starts again.
“Last year, we worked with real therapy dogs in the clinic before right? Do you remember Clyde? The giant mutt?” Dr. Meier open the door to the laboratory. The big dog was sitting there, waiting obediently for them.
“Ah yes! Hi Clyde! You big dummy” Virginia runs in and start petting the dog. He was the sweetest and the smartest therapy dog during her internship last year.
“Clyde is the best therapy dog we have and we have given him some special training since then. Our experiment requires you to become at least half as good as him. Not like just any bimbo petgirl.”
Virginia looks back at her professor. No, She doesn’t mean…
“Clyde will be your trainer, Ginnie”
Hi y’all!
Meet Virginia and Clyde! The dynamic duo working together, FOR SCIENCE!
Haha I have this idea of a dog training a petgirl for a very long time. Kinda touched on it a bit way before ComPet, and another idea of putting people with psychiatry knowledge into therapy pet role that got jolt back in my mind again by NXTangl at HF. So I just went and combine them^^
This is the SFW intro and there will be a more fun pic follow on this story. Let me know what you think!
*Also, I hope you know that Ginnie, Virginia here = Virgo. I guess all protagonist volunteer girls gonna have to have indirect month related names now^^”
Thank you so so very much for all your supports. It truly makes me happy knowing you enjoy my works 🙂
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