The Trainee: “Paws!”

It’s the second week.
After the “intensive training” with the trainer from obedience school in her new version of the PetSitter gears, Ginnie thought nothing could be more humiliating than parading around on all fours, acting like a dog all day in front of the people in her lab.
But she was wrong, and during the experiment, she’s no longer Ginnie, She’s now Bonnie… and Clyde. Dr. Meier thinks she’s so funny, isn’t she?
During the first week, she was taught the rules of petgirl while the PetSitter correct all her wrongdoing as a pet. Now, under Clyde’s supervision, She is training on how to be a good dog, and only after that, she can train on how to be a good therapy dog…
They are with one of the patient from the clinic today, Mr. Lincoln. He’s not a severe case that she’s meant to be working with. (“She’s not ready anyway” is what the professor said) He’s just here for a session and was asked to play with the “new therapy dog”.
“Paws!” said Mr. Lincoln
It’s going to be another long day.
I had waaaay too much fun making this GIF^^
Let me know what you think!
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