The Runner: Greyhoundgirls

It may seem absurd when you heard it for the first time, but when you consider what we’ve already allowed to be done to these girls, it’s become one of the better lives they can have.

Service human pet race, AKA Greyhoundgirl racing, A new sport that’s gaining popularity among human pet enthusiasts. Started as a weekend entertainment project of a few executives in the compulsory pettification bureau. Drafted service petgirls with athletic background, physically fit, mostly light and slim builds were selected and trained to race each other on all fours in a circuit. A twisted copy of the greyhound race. Not long after the inception of the activity, a new specialized pet gears designed for increase performance of the pets running on all fours were manufactured. Gone with the slow, controlling and restricting PetSitter gears, replaced with the greyhound gears that are built for mobility on all fours. The rules and regulations were standardized, and the GreyLeague was born.

The greyhoundgirls draw huge amount of viewers, interest and money. The top tier racers  are pampered with the highest class of treatments. 

Of all things that become their humiliating fates, being the top tier greyhoundgirls is something many draftees dream and strive to be.

The alluring nature of the sport even attract potential racers from outside the compulsory pettification draft. The sport were introduce in class room in high schools and colleges as a short demonstration fitness course.Not long after, an announcement was made of the open second division GreyLeague. Where any woman age above 18 years old can participate and train to be a racer, as a special volunteer.


Hi y’all!

Hope you are doing well this weekend 🙂

Here’s a new… “thing”… lol

I got inspired by an idea from Shnurui at DA to make a sport theme petgirls (They mentioed helmet, so maybe this is not what they have in mind^^”) which got me revisiting an old idea I had a while back. A greyhound race-like petgirl event!

What do you think? Let me know.

Thank you as always for your supports. You literally help me buy foods, and keep me passionate about making these^^


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