The Parttimer: Surprise visit

It’s June 16th, almost midnight.
Juni looks at the time on her phone and checks for texts. Nothing. Nothing from him, at least.
She tosses the phone away, frustrated.
“That idiot. He really forgot. I’m gonna ‘accidentally’ bite his dick next time I give him the service.” She mumbles to herself as she continues taking off the rest of her pet gears.
The young girl was hoping for something uplifting after a full day of work at the petgirl cafe. She’s been working here every other night lately. It’s can be very exciting and more playful than personal “visit” type of service. Being a volunteer human service pet, she has many options in how she can fill her weekly quota. This week’s just happen to be this.
“Who are you looking for again?” One of her colleagues’ voice coming from the entrance of their shared dressing room.
“Come colser so I can hear you. Just come inside. We cannot speak outside of this room here while we are in our gears, and you can look at us, you dork. Don’t you know what we do here?” The same voice said with a giggle.
Juni leans over and looks at what’s happening.
It’s him. Walking in awkwardly with a big bouquet of flowers in his hand. Juni leans back. Continuing her undress as she eavesdrop on the conversation.
“Juni? Which one is…?? Oh! You mean Bunny? Yeah. She’s here!” The colleague said cheerfully “Are you her boyfriend? Here to take her out??” She continue asking cheekily.
Juni peeks at them again. He stumbles with his words, not sure what or how to answer.
Juni smiles and leans back as she sees a card in the bouquet that says “Happy birthday”.
“You survive a dickbite tonight, dummy.”
Hi All!
I swear, the original plan for this week is to work on the Drooling tribute story, but I just realized there’s another Month named girl with her BDay in this month. It’s the other half of the Gemini, Juni! HBD, our partimer!
Any of y’all here not faniliar with Juni? or the petgirl cafe idea? because these are like a few pics from a while ago. She’s my first volunteer petgirl, and was a bunny during Easter too^^
Anyway, Hope you enjoy your weekend!
From the bottom of my heart, Thank you so much for your supports.
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