The Honeysuckle Program

For a pet, training is a 24/7 affair.
Normally it is highly frowned upon to allow pets on the furniture. But it doesn’t hurt to reward your pet for being good with an opportunity to sleep with you on the bed from time to time. Then the new feature from the PetSitter MK. II system has got you covered. A special night-time mode calls the “Honeysuckle” that will teach your loyal and grateful pet the “pacifier technique”. While getting the privilege of showing you her gratitude for the generous sleeping arrangement. Simply lay back and get ready for bed and set the program to start from your smartphone. Pick a sweet target on your body for your pet’s affection, or even set a playlist of targets for the night. Command your pet to lay between your legs and let the PetSitter handle the rest. Our “Honeysuckle” A.I. trainer will guide and encourage your lovely pet on her task(s). Soft, sweet suckles are all that is permitted unless told otherwise with small loving jolts regularly stimulate her.
In time and with determination, your affectionate little pet will learn to subconsciously pleasure you while she sleeps.
Get your subscription to the premium PetSitter Pro in your PetSitter application today and get one free trial week!
After a week with the “Honeysuckle” program, Lily starts to have a hard time sleeping without “suckling” on her owner’s… The petgirl only prays that he doesn’t accidentally stretch his leg and pull her away from her task.
Hi y’all! Here’s The pic! Lilly is back once more with her creative owner!
Thanks to Ella, Eppal212 and especially Maddisaurus for helping with the caption! (most of these are Maddi’s 😉 )
Special thanks to our new benefactors: Maru(huhu), Ronqueesha, Chlutch and Sole233
Thanks to everyone of you as always who made this possible!
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