The first encounter

From a left behind note of the missing researcher of the uncontacted Mahbushar tribe, or the dog worshipers:
We were finally allowed into the inner sanctum of the village today, and we finally see, one of the “tribute”.
We were led into a dark chamber. A torch in the hand of the monk that led us in showed us an impressive giant marble statue of one of the dog gods. (These people sure know their crafts) As we were marveling at the immense statue, bell chimes were heard coming from between the front paws of the statue. There were something lying there in the shadow. At first I thought it was one of the dogs which run around freely getting pampered and worshiped around this village, but this creature led out gargled noise as it slowly waking up. Before we can make out what it is, the monk set his torch on a pot next to the creature and light a large fire.
It was a woman.
A naked young woman, more naked than any other already very naked tribal women around here. She was bounded in the most perverted way I have ever seen. I could heard Mina audibly gasp behind her gag at the unbelievable sight we’re seeing.
Before we could react further, the monk took the leash tied to a golden loop around the girl’s neck and pulled her up, toward us. The girl seemed to be blind or had very limited visibility due to the dog mask she wearing. We could constantly hear gargled moan and sniffing noises coming from behind her mask. As she sitting up like a dog in front of us, the monk put his other hand in front of her mask. The girl started sniffing rapidly at him, and immediately start licking the monk’s hand through her brass ring gag, like his hand was some kind of a treat, like a starving animal. The monk said something in his native tongue, which our guide translated dutifully.
“This is the drooling tribute. This is what you are here for.”
And here we are!
Before I let y’all in on Red’s fun project , We’re continuing the drooling tribute story!
if you didn’t know about this story, the previous pics can be found here:
Let me know what you think^^
Thank you very much for your support. I love you more than the others<3
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