[TR] Out and About
When Visi’s mistress Nyx needed to run some errands, this at first seemed irreconcilable with Visi’s duty to suck her owner nonstop for three hours straight. Fortunately, Nyx had a
When Visi’s mistress Nyx needed to run some errands, this at first seemed irreconcilable with Visi’s duty to suck her owner nonstop for three hours straight. Fortunately, Nyx had a
A fun tier reward pic of Navara for TrueDoubleJ!Thank you for the support and for letting me share! +8
A tier reward pic for Jpmaggers!Thank you for the support and for letting me share!Check out Jp’s works here:TFGames -> tfgames.site/index.php?module=viewgame&id=1309Patreon -> patreon.com/jpmaggers +8
A pic for flydeath with a story written by Brentwood!Check out the story here:https://www.deviantart.com/thebrentwoodsociety/art/Buttons-First-Kennel-Stay-Part-3-1022009118 andhttps://thebrentwoodsociety.blogspot.com/2024/02/buttons-first-kennel-stay-part-2.html Thank you for the support and for letting me share! +3
After being caught stealing from the dragon’s hoard, Navara found herself cornered by the huge monster. With no options left, she openly tried to seduce the mighty wyrm. She quickly
A tier reward pic for Jpmaggers! Thank you for the support and for letting me share!Check out Jp’s works here:TFGames -> tfgames.site/index.php?module=viewgame&id=1309Patreon -> patreon.com/jpmaggers +13
A pic for AmorIncorporated who went to the extreme this time^^ Amor also wrote the caption!Thank you for the support and for letting me share! +6
A pic for flydeath with a story by Brentwood!Thank you for the support and for letting me share! Check the story out here 😉https://www.deviantart.com/thebrentwoodsociety/art/1007769876 and https://thebrentwoodsociety.blogspot.com/2024/01/buttons-first-kennel-stay-sue-sharp.html +2
A pic for TrueDoubleJ and AmorIncorporated who also wrote the caption!Thank you for the support and for letting me share! +4
A pic for flydeath with a story from Brentwood!Check out the story here:bdsmlr: https://brentwoodsociety.bdsmlr.com/post/675108571blogger: https://thebrentwoodsociety.blogspot.com/2023/12/buttons-first-kennel-stay-sue-sharp.htmlDA: https://www.deviantart.com/thebrentwoodsociety/art/Button-s-First-Kennel-Stay-999098803Thank you for the support and for letting me share! 0