[Throwback] The last day of April
Hi y’all! Here’s another throwback to our old compet days! Where I draw sad boner comics (which I still very much like btw lol) Here’s the argruably saddest of them
Hi y’all! Here’s another throwback to our old compet days! Where I draw sad boner comics (which I still very much like btw lol) Here’s the argruably saddest of them
Stems from this pic: I wanted to try doing a short comic/manga again, and was thinking of what story I can do, and the off handed mention from the end
“Let it go, Lilly. The app said your need to pee at the max level for a while now, huh?” Her owner said after he removed the tail plug and
Hi y’all!I got a message asking for where to find our first Compet story with June and I realized that we don’t really have a convenient place to see this
Continue reading[Throwback] Compulsory Pettification (compiled)
Alternate titles: Training day, Blue’s clue 😛 Hi, y’all!Here’s our new compet comic! Another doggy one and a police one!It’s pretty much an expansion on this pic https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/85348353 we did
Hi, y’all!Here’s the first 3 parts of something awesome our Maddisaurus/Pepper has been working on for a few months, with her tier reward pics! Thank you for the support and
Hi, y’all!Here’s a new smaller set this week!Just a fun exploration into a part of Compet daily life 😉 Special thanks to our new benefactor and above tiered supporters: USER#8EA2383B,
A pic for flydeath with a story written by Brentwood!Check out the story here:https://www.deviantart.com/thebrentwoodsociety/art/Buttons-First-Kennel-Stay-Part-3-1022009118 andhttps://thebrentwoodsociety.blogspot.com/2024/02/buttons-first-kennel-stay-part-2.html Thank you for the support and for letting me share! +3
A pic for flydeath with a story by Brentwood!Thank you for the support and for letting me share! Check the story out here 😉https://www.deviantart.com/thebrentwoodsociety/art/1007769876 and https://thebrentwoodsociety.blogspot.com/2024/01/buttons-first-kennel-stay-sue-sharp.html +2
A pic for flydeath with a story from Brentwood!Check out the story here:bdsmlr: https://brentwoodsociety.bdsmlr.com/post/675108571blogger: https://thebrentwoodsociety.blogspot.com/2023/12/buttons-first-kennel-stay-sue-sharp.htmlDA: https://www.deviantart.com/thebrentwoodsociety/art/Button-s-First-Kennel-Stay-999098803Thank you for the support and for letting me share! 0