[Throw back] Competitive Fetching
Yes, I’m trying to make fetch happen, Regina.—–Hi y’all!This set is back on ComPet!!!Anyone remember Leo from greyhoundgirls we did way way back?I brought her here again for another racing
Yes, I’m trying to make fetch happen, Regina.—–Hi y’all!This set is back on ComPet!!!Anyone remember Leo from greyhoundgirls we did way way back?I brought her here again for another racing
She’s a thirsty filly! Hi, y’all!Here’s a fun pic. Last one of this month.At first it was gonna be a cowboy and his pony then I made her start carrying
Hi, y’all!Here’s a pic about a master and a pet and their POVs Special thanks to our new benefactor and above tiered supporters: Silverwings345, User#7a966530, User#efaaea9b | jack123 | Iosif
Another requested sketch of a taped up pet for an anonymous user!Here’s the description: “In this part the taped-up pet is lying on her back with her folded-up arms and
Extreme content warning!!! Hi, y’all!Here’s a new set! Short and horrifying, yeah? ^^”Gotta balance out the relatively tame previous one with something twisted lol. No shoutout since it’s an extreme
Alauthshae and Soreanne got a bit lost during their travel 🙂 —– A comeback pic for kjatar after a long while! (Partly because I somehow missed their message! Sorry!) Thank
Hi, y’all!Here’s a new short comic! I didn’t plan for it to be a sequel but the the theme fits just right with the previous Infiltration quest, hence the name^^
Sometimes, there is no convoluted premise. Sometimes, Visi just wants to be a sweet and submissive bondage kitty wholovingly pleases her owner! —– A tier reward pic for AmorIncorporated who
A queen “volunteering” to become the pet of a dragon to save her loving subjects. She seems excited about the ordeal though 🙂A requested sketch for Uncanny1342! Thank you!More info
Hi, y’all!Here’s our shared set for this month!We got so many captions and many long ones! We found a way to fit them in tho!I guess a pic about submissive