[Tier reward] Navahole 4
A tier reward pic for TrueDoubleJ who also provided the caption! Thank you for the support and for letting me share! +8
A tier reward pic for TrueDoubleJ who also provided the caption! Thank you for the support and for letting me share! +8
A Requested pic for FrigidVale of their OC in a golden retriever Make-a-woof suit getting more “gold” ^^Thank you!Also, I swear I didn’t mean to make and post all these
Hi, y’all!Here’s our shared set of this month! It’s about logistic! Big thanks to oue awesome captioneers who joined in on the fun! Our work is only possible thanks to
More like Gaymers, am I right?? ;D Hi, y’all!Here’s a new short set and it’s a gay one! I took a rest on my hand as I mentioned last time.
Another tier reward pic of nugget Navara for TrueDoubleJ Who also provided the caption!Thank you for the support and for letting me share! +10
Hi, y’all!OMG! It’s a sequel! It’s another installation of Compet’s Rivals! Also a callback to our old work Olympet: Knots of war we did (I believe back at the same
A requested pic by Robin for their Mia the fox getting bitch-suited up.Thank you! More info on Pixiv’s Request: +7
A tier reward pic for kjatar of the elf Alauthshae becoming a fox “statue” with the help of her friend(?)Thank you for the support and for letting me share! +11
Hi, y’all!Here’s our fishy shared set of September! They caught some big ones! Big Thanks to our amazing captioneers who joined in on the fun! Our work is only possible
Yes. I’m still trying to make fetch happen, Regina! —– Hi y’all!I’ve been watching a lot of sport documantaries lately… Oh well…It’s a big one! This one took me a