Stages of Nymphoma

- Stage 1 Nymphoma (Dormant nympho or nymph)
A person with diagnosed Spontaneous Aggressive Nymphomaniac Gene (SANG) mutation under 19 years old. The condition will remain dormant until the carrier reaches complete sexual maturity. The mutation is hereditary and the youngest reported case was 19 years old. There are undiagnosed cases in which the patients’ conditions remained dormant until above 30 years old. The only certified method of detection in this early stage is by genetic analysis through a DNA sample (SANG mutation test or SANG test). But unofficially early statistics found the Nymphoma patients to be physically very attractive by most standards, which could be an effect of the mutation. Within a year after the first outbreak, regular and mandatory SANG tests on the female population become the norm worldwide. 99% of the patients are females. - Stage 2 Nymphoma (Nympho Beta)
A diagnosed Nymphoma carrier above the age of 19. Who may or may not displayed the onset of the condition before and has regained stable condition. These patients have heightened sexual needs and sensitivities. They constantly need to be satisfied to keep from going berserk. They are attracted to male scents and have an innate ability to sense erections or sexual arousal from any males near them. In many high-risk cases, they must be equipped with tracking and pheromone measuring devices. They carry sexual stimulation devices to use in case of onset. Other than that, they wear specialized clothing that was designed to respond to and satisfy their sexual nature to prevent the onset of the Nymphoma. In recent years many countries have adopted special measures for their Nymphoma patient care. One is where a Nymphoma patient is assigned to a trained licensed male caretaker who is responsible for their actions. The caretaker is to provide the patient with daily semen ration and other sexual needs to prevent onset. There is also another type of program where multiple patients were put in special containment facilities where the patients are constantly stimulated by various devices to control their condition. These patients provide sexual services to the paying public both to control their urges and to financially support the operation. - Stage 3 Nymphoma (Nympho Alpha)
A Nymphoma sufferer who is undergoing an active onset frenzied condition or going alpha. Very aggressive and dangerous. They tend to remove their clothing due to irritation caused by their increased sensitivity. They hunt and attack males with their temporarily enhanced strength and speed. Viciously subdue and have their way with their victim. Mostly with oral sex, followed by vaginal sex, due to their main need of ingesting semen and achieving orgasm. Other sexual activities were also reported. Findings suggested that these preferences seem to related to their sexual tastes in their normal stage. The longer they go on a frenzy without any satisfaction, the larger the amount of sexual gratification will be needed to calm them. After achieving their goal the Nymphoma sufferer will return to their beta stage. Patients who had gone alpha before are more have a higher risk of another onset and s shorter calm period. An unsatisfied Nympho alpha will get increasingly violent until they turn to stage 4. Cases of fatalities from nympho alpha (and above stages) attacks had happened. - Stage 4 Nymphoma (The lost, Nympho Omega)
Permanently crazed and savage. These were Nymphoma sufferers who did not receive sexual gratification and semen ingestion in time (Normally within 24 – 36 hours). They completely lost all controls and no cure or rehabilitation method has yet to be found to be effective. They are wild, highly dangerous and tragically won’t live for long, due to their increase in energy expenditure. Though short-lived, cases of Omegas went into hibernation when no prey can be found have been documented. These hibernating omegas became active and aggressive again as soon as they sense preys in the vicinity. - Stage 5 Nymphoma
A very rare further mutation of stage 3 or 4 Nymphoma sufferers. These mutated humans retain their intelligence and some high functions in their brains and have limited controls of their energy expenditure but still are overcome by lust and uncontrollable sexual urge. Much is still not known of the nature of this type. Extremely dangerous and should be avoided at all costs.
And here’s the important part, y’all!
Stage 2! I want to focus on the prevention not the threat itself! Just need to establish a firm background first^^
Let me know what you think! ANd come join us on our discussion in the discord chat!
Thank you so much as always for your supports! You are my caretakers <3
*p.s. Its not a virus.
**Edited: Added txt boxes and changed logo
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