
It wasn’t very often that Pepper got to be outside the walls of the Experimental Division. When she did it was either for some promotional purpose or testing… and considering they were not getting her gussied up, she knew it was the latter.
She had no idea she’d be taken out to the ocean however or placed on a boat to head out into the ocean. It wasn’t often she got scared, but being out in international waters and having yet to learn to doggy paddle, she was getting squeamish.
As she was being changed and fitted with her new gear she was finally filled on on her role in this experiment. However she wouldn’t have to do much other than what her stump caps labeled her as, bait.
The squid population no matter the size had very short lifespans and yet typically only mated once in their lives, as such some strains were starting to dwindle. The FBP and by extension, the Experiment Division had helped boost mating habits in a handful of land-based animals over the last few years, though they where “humble” enough not to brag about these achievements.
Pepper fluttered along under the water like a lure, she knew all too well how they achieved their results. Before long she was caught in the embrace of several tentacles. Her helpless squirming body was quickly overwhelmed by the squid’s ability to rub, squeeze, caress, and manipulate her body. She felt weightless in the water, and yet the tentacles applied pressure in all the right spots.
On the boat, the team cheered, As Pepper was dragged along thrashing and orgasming again and again. Giving the predators the thrill of the chase and the blissful gratification of repeated climax. Day one had already shown promising results and they hopped by the end of this two-week expedition that the squids would learn that the sexual process could be done time and time again, leading to increased birth rates for years to come.
A BDay Collab/TR with and for Pepper who wrote the story!
Thank you for the support and for letting me share!
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