Rescued: “Nadia T.”

[Confidential: Record awaiting deletion]
Rescue Pet: Nadia T. Age: 21
Status: No service pet record or owner information found. Pet under HPPS care awaiting return to an unknown training facility.
Normally when a pet was brought into an HPPS center with no ID on her, it would mean that the pet was illegally pettified. Usually by an underground pet trafficking group, by various drastic training measures. These unregulated operations usually cause severe physical and/or mental harm to the pet that can be noticed right away. But not the case of a pet formerly known as Ms. Nadia T.
She was found sitting in front of an HPPS center by the first shift staff of the day. Apparently, before she was “waiting” there, she diligently performed various services to any passerby on her way to the center from somewhere. The pet had no service pet ID of any kind, no gears, seemingly like an illegal pettified case but perplexingly was also perfectly healthy, exceptionally obedient, very happy and eager to please. Nothing like any illegal cases that the staff had seen before. One of the staff recognized her as Ms. Nadia T., a model that was reported missing since the year prior.-
Before the staff could continue to process this confusing case, a phone call changed everything. A high ranking government official was on the other end.
“Yes, sir. We have her under our care right now. She just showed up this morning and she’s now playing with the staff. Should we…?” The head staff pause mid-sentence.
“Sir? Delete everything? but why?” another, longer pause.
“Yes, sir. Understood, sir. She will be here when they are picking her up sir” She hangs up.
“What is it chief?” A young staffer asks
“…Don’t tell this to anyone else” The head staff said as she wipes away cold sweats from her forehead.
“Ms. Tina here, this pet, is going oversea as a gift with one of our visiting foreign trade partners, but looks like his wife got too sentimental and set her loose.”
“This pet was specially trained by the group called the whisperer. No gears, no drugs, no shocks, no mental problems. Just pure instilled obedience by master trainers. These pets are the highest of the high class.” She said, looking at the petgirl happily scratching her ear with her foot, just like a real dog would.
“But how?” The young staff asks in disbelief.
“No idea, but I heard they got a whole village up in the mountain somewhere. These people have special status and they operate independently. They provide the best pets for the higher-ups, so they got all kind of privileges”
The head staff signs.
“Delete the record of this one. Ms. Nadia is never found.”
“And contact the capture team. They got a foreign bitch to catch.”
New supporters bring a new rescue! This one’s animated with a complicated back story too!
Thank you so much for you supports!
Let me know what you think of the idea of a conservative trainer group operating outside Compet reg^^
And as always, caretakers please let me know if you want your name change or remove from the board. This pic will go up on other sites tomorrow.
*Actually, editing GIF is quite hard, so please don’t change anything T^T
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