Rescued: “Lulu”

Rescue Pet: Lulu Age: 21 

Status: Petsitter gears tampered and damaged. Pet under HPPS care as evidence, awaiting process.

At approximately 2 AM this morning, a tempering alarm was raised on a service human pet named “Lulu” at her owner’s home. Authorities were alerted of a possible dognapping in progress.

With a swift reaction, local police intercepted a suspect’s vehicle soon after. The perpetrators escaped the scene and currently on the run. Any information regarding the whereabouts of the suspects should be forward to the authorities. 

Lulu was successfully recovered from the scene with her gears damaged by the suspected to prevent tracking. The pet is currently safely under local HPPS care as evidence.

There had been several similar dognapping and device tampering cases pop up more and more recently. Human service pets are high-value luxuries, sought after in many places. Cases like Lulu’s can normally be attributed to criminals trying to steal and sell the pet in oversea black markets. However, in recent months, more and more activity by radical activist groups has been reported and closely investigated by authorities. These terrorists’ actions ranged from harassment, assault of owner/officers to committing crimes by stealing and illegally breaking pettification on human service pets. All citizens are reminded to be vigilant and report all suspicious activities.


Hi y’all!

Sorry for letting the new patrons list piled up so high= =” and so this week we got a coloured rescue! A very important one too! It’s about the existense of Oversea black markets and the darn terrorists tryin’ to free our damn pets!

anyway, if you want to know more about these. We discuss them at lenght over at our discord server which you are all highly encouraged to join us 🙂

I hope the caption makes sense. I’m a bit dizzy today^^”

Thank you so much for all of your supports! Couldn’t have done this without you!

*As always, let me know if you want your name change or remove from the board before I post them anywhere else tomorrow!


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