Rescued: Kim P.

Rescue Pet: Kim P. Age: 18 Status: Under heavy narcotic influence. Professional care and extensive rehabilitation needed. During one of the largest manhunt in recent history for the 3 missing young women related to PetSitter Mk. 2 development companies, Kim P. was found during a raid in an abandoned warehouse. She was in a delirious state and engaging in an illegal human service pet activity with 6 homeless individuals. All parties involved were taken into custody, questioned and charged for the violation of the pettification regulation. Due to a prolonged ingestion of an unknown narcotic, Kim P. suffers from multiple effects of the substance: Losing all her basic motor functions in her limbs, fingers, and toes. Vertigo. Losing high function communication abilities and memories. Altered senses of taste and smell. She is now attracted to male pheromone and other bodily liquids. Increased sensitivity. Dramatically increased sex drive to an unmanageable level. Highly docile and compliance. With all symptoms above and more, it was decided that Kim P. will be more appropriately treated as an illegal pettified human service pet and transferred to a HPPS facility for rehabilitation, under government research team supervision. The questionings with involved individuals revealed that the other 2 missing women have been sold to an underground human pet dealer. The investigation is on-going.
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