[Throwback] Owner’s guide: Toilet routine

“Let it go, Lilly. The app said your need to pee at the max level for a while now, huh?” Her owner said after he removed the tail plug and c-string off her.
Lilly is having a difficult time. It already hard enough to pee like a dog. She can’t really get used to it after all the horrible training at the kennel, but now this fat asshole makes it even harder by making her go outside in public all the time.
She’s one of the few petgirls in this area, so people always take interest in her while she’s doing this. Her owner know that and he loves every seconds of her humiliating ordeal.
A small crowd gathers, people were taking pictures and video of her.
“Wow! She’s cute too! Dude how can you get her, and how can she do this in front of everyone. She really is a dog, heh?” one guy starts to talk to her owner.
“Nah. She loves it. She’s pretty much born to be a bitch, this one.”
No she’s not. Lily thinks. She grits her teeth and whines.
“You boys want to see something more fun? She hasn’t have her enema for a while now. I think it’s time.”
Oh no…
An excerpt from The Human Service Pet Owner’s Guidebook:
Q: What do I do if my puppygirl have to pee or poop outside?
A: A very good and important question! Taking care of your pet’s natural needs is the first priority of any pet owner.
First, the basics, when your human service pet or your pup have its PetSitter gears on, it is impossible for the pet to defecate due to the tail plug, so that’s one big problem down, and the gears also make urination very uncomfortable to the pet. Even though all human service pets are trained to only urinate when the bottom gear is taken off(as you know, can only be done my owner or authorized personnel), accidents do happen.
This is why it is important for the owner to be responsible to the pet’s toilet time and training.
Your pet needs to defecate at least once daily, and urinate several times daily.
– For defecation, it is highly recommend to give your pet a scheduled herbal enema every other day for hygienic and discipline reasons.
– As for urination your service human pet is trained to beg, whine, scratch the door and shake her pelvis to indicate the need to go. This can be confirm via the PetSitter mobile application notification, to avoid any mistaken toilet signal with any in-heat behaviors.
So be ready to remove that tail! Your lovely pup will appreciate it.
Second, the other part of the question is what to do when you are outdoor?
It is very encouraged to have your human service pet do its business outdoor at the designated service pet toilet area, which can be found in most public parks, in front of convenient stores, super market and public transport stations. This is to be done to reinforce the animal status and shamelessness to the pet. All designated area are equipped with every equipment for both number 1 and 2.
So, Let your pup do its thing when it needs to. It is only natural for them.
Lastly, Keep things clean, be responsible for your pets and avoid any accident in any other public area. Punished you unruly incontinent pup with extra genital shock other than the automatic one should do the trick!
Again with the pee and poop stuffs?? What kind of a sick freak make this shit?
Oh, its me. hehe 😛
Lilly’s back! YAY!
Yup, so this Owner’s guide might become an on and off series. Same with training guide for June, and also there are some connecting works prepared for “Experimental” program.
Let me know what you guys think. Thank you for being here!
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