Nymphoma: The mutation

Also known as Spontaneous Aggressive Nymphomania. A condition caused by a genetic mutation (Spontaneous Aggressive Nymphomaniac Gene: SANG). Many of the female population and a very small number of male humans around the world are affected by the condition. The sign of this perverse mutation appears as soon as they reach the height of their sexual maturity. Reported cases were mostly of females between 20-24 years old. The youngest found was 19 and the oldest was 31.
The onset of the condition shows victims gave in to their animalistic uncontrollably heighten sexual urges. By rapidly expending their energy, they gain strength and speed for the sole purpose of sating their sexual needs. In this berserk-like stage(also refers to as “Going berserk”, “rampaging” and later “Going alpha”), they are constantly starved for sexual interaction from males. Achieving a sexual climax and ingesting semen (and to the smaller effectiveness, other male bodily fluids) are the only ways to satisfy their uncontrollable lust and somewhat bring back their humanity temporarily.
Many who showed symptoms and weren’t getting any semen or sexual gratification within 24-36 hours turned permanently and became “the Lost” (Later categorized as “Stage 4 Nymphoma”). Their brain was entirely rewritten to that of a beast, always hungry for the opposite canal attention. Even more horrifically, witnessing or being close to another actively rampaging victim triggers and intensifies the effect on other people with the corrupted gene.
And from then on, the world was changed forever.
Seriously y’all. It’s not a virus. Think X-men with agressively horny women, ok?
Extra pic on the last one there with some restraints^^
This was actually the first pic of the whole thing. It supposed to be just a pic of some horny ladies. Then I came up with the genetic mutation idea like a day after it was finished^^”
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