New TDT pic and Milestone pics!

Hi y’all!
I just posted a new “The drooling tribute” pic on all sites! It’s the aftermath of Kingmaker story! and was brought about by us reaching 3000 followers at Pixiv 😉
It’s the return to our favourite researcher and her insane tribe of dog worshippers! and also to celebrate reaching 3000+ followers over at at Pixiv!
Why does TDT relate to 3000, you ask? It’s because Mina is our March calendar girl! The girl number 3! (Most of you probably didn’t know that but her name means March in a language lol #revealed) Her hair’s grew long and she comes with 3 pups in her care, and maybe one more bun in the oven? 😛 Let your imagination runs wild!
Anyway, its finally the perfect time to make a coloured pic of her. So go check it out if you can!
We also reached 1000 watchers at HF so there’s another sketch for that^^
Thank you so so very much for your supports as always. Couldn’t have done it without you!
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