
A slightly lewd but still sfw pic for our June duo, June and Juni!
If you don’t know them then you have to go back a few years when Compet was just starting.
I just wanted to draw them before the month’s end^^ We sure missed out of all the month-name girls from previous months tho and I don’t know if i will continue with Juliet. We’ll see. I guess^^”
Special thanks to our new benefactor and above tiered supporters: Annatails, WillTheDude, Blacksehiro, User#09efec3c, User#aeee0b38 | Xu, AnthonyR, Incognito, Rubeez | quadratus, amber, Wodandie, Andrew D, C26E, Häänrik, Woepie
Our (normally way more NSFW) works are only possible with the amazing help from our wonderful supporters! Join us making more of those and see more fun stuff!
Go go go!