[Commissioned] Buttercup the breeding cow

Disclaimer from NUMB3Rs687835: Hi just a quick word before you read. I’m the author of this storyline. I do plan for a few of those for the story of buttercup. every Picture made by NimbleTail is a custom commission, so I paid extra. I hope you enjoy, constructive criticism is welcome. Wishes for later events (two more are already planned) or stories please sent a message to Oorben451@gmail.com with the title: Buttercup the breeding cow.
Thanks for reading, and if you enjoy, please leave a like for Nimbletail. (Well, for both of us 🙂 – NT)
Nele signed the contract 8 months ago. She thought it would be a good idea to take part in the experiment they offered. While she didn’t have a choice about becoming a pet or not, she would at least have a choice about her future. Full payment and not having to worry about the future made a little experiment more than acceptable. Well, at least the kind of experiment she expected. Some kind of new puppy gear, or food, maybe another kind of guide dog.
But no, it was something she only noticed after getting the tattoos. Her mother had been a dog, so she could recognize the usual heart-shaped pawns they put on petgirls. Hers wasn’t as small as those tatts, and it wasn’t the usual pawn. It was bigger and hoof shaped. Just after she already was in her gear, she dared to ask, what the experiment was about. She already knew, that the contract was signed, and the tattoos already placed, so no turning back. But she wanted to know, what would happen to her. A nice employee showed her the contract, she already signed. And explained everything to her. She was going to become a cow. In the next 4 years, she was expected to produce milk, and test if a cow was practical in daily life. The side effects were repeated to her, like damaged tits, or deformed body, shortened lifespan and so on…
Only now was it, that she realized, why nobody wanted to take part in the experiment, and why she was the first of her kind. She was stripped of her name and wasn’t given a new one, she would get a new one from her owner. 3 months of training later she was already auctioned off. Many of the men bidding for her where old ugly men. She hoped none of them would get her. In the end, only a young guy and a very fat man in his 40s were still bidding on her. She hoped for the young guy.
Fortunately enough, her hope came true. She was led into a small room where the woman and the man responsible for her and the experiment would discuss everything whit her new owner. The woman who had been a kitten for a period of time began to explain that he was free to choose a name for the cow. He settled on Buttercup.
After everything was settled her new life with him began. She was ashamed she couldn’t cover her udders. Other pets were given pads to cover up. Something deemed unnecessary for cows, which if she was honest made her a little jealous. She was milked three times a day and got injections in each udder before every milking. At first, she slept in a separated room, on the floor whit no cushion. But as time passed, she gave him her first time and was given a spot in front of his bed, where a nice fluffy carpet was placed. She wasn’t allowed on the bed though. And now, for the last five weeks she was lactating and proud she made it this far. And the fact that she began to like her owner even more made life even better.
To be continued…
Hi y’all! Here’s a new commission from NUMB3Rs687835, who also provided an exciting story for it. A new experimental program! Expanding on the previous personalized petgirl sketch.
Thank you so much for the support and for allowing me to post the pic! We should be seeing more of the lovely Buttercup later 🙂
Let us know what you think!
*Uncensored version (no crotch pastie) added, with NUMB3Rs’ permission
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