[Commissioned] Buttercup: First Pregnancy

Commissioned and Story by NUMB3Rs687835:
She knew she didn’t get any birth control. Since her birthday she did have her period. Around Christmas, the skin around her new tattoo was still sensitive, she was missing it again. No birth control didn’t stop her from begging for sex. She didn’t mind, or at least didn’t care about the consequences. The sex was fun, relaxing and proof, her owner loved her. Over time, she got very self-conscious. Her body had drastically changed in one year, and she was Shure, it would change even more in the next three years. Her tits had gotten bigger, sure, but they were only nice and firm when completely full. If they were empty, they were already sagging. Something, she thought was a complete turn off for boys. Buttercup didn’t know better; her owner was her first male friend. His cock was the first she had ever seen and felt, her parents took care she didn’t “whore” around. It was no wonder she was clingy. She wanted to keep her owner. If possible, even after her service.
Now she was missing her period since Christmas. In January her owner came up with a pregnancy test. She was a little surprised. The test came out positive. Pregnant! A huge shock for her, her owner didn’t seem mad or anything, even though the shitty kitten had told her, that pregnant women weren’t liked by good men. In general, the ex-kitten was saying things that weren’t that true. She explained to Buttercup, that her owner would leave her, the moment she ended her service. Shitty kitten didn’t tell her, that her owner tried to keep her after her two years of service, but found out, that her greedy attitude wasn’t a play, but in fact her character, one week after her service he dumped her for good. So shitty kitten thought if she couldn’t be happy, why should anyone else? Especially the stupid experiment.
Looking back it wasn’t even a surprise Buttercup got pregnant in the first place. She noticed very early, that her owner wouldn’t fuck her as often when she used her dildo, so she started to dislike it a bit, or at least not use it that much. Her owner’s cock tasted and felt better inside her holes. Buttercup also got cleaned only every three to four days, which led to her reeking of a mixture of his cum, her sweat and juices. In the beginning, she was ashamed of it, but by now she noticed that it turned him on when she was a little dirty, so she didn’t mind.
A meeting was held, to discuss what to do with the pregnancy. Her owner, the leader of the experiment, the shitty kitten and Buttercup sat down. Buttercup had created a habit of sucking her owners’ thumbs or his dick when she got nervous. It was relaxing and tasty, at least for her. So she tried to get on his dick, which in the end worked after a bit of trouble. While she was sucking the three decided her fate. Her owner was mainly listening while the kitten exclaimed: “she can carry it to term, and then the kid is free for adoption.” While the old guy said she should get an abortion. The discussion went forward and backward. She wasn’t sure what she herself wanted. Abortion was the better choice for her, but if she was honest, she wanted to keep her child. The child of her and her beloved owner. What she clearly didn’t want, was to carry a child she wasn’t allowed to keep. In the end, she was led into the middle of the room, she should choose herself, what she wanted. The three of them placed themselves in the corners, and she was to choose her side. She ended up running straight for her owner. Who declared after thinking for a bit. We will keep the child and raise it together. She was kinda happy and kinda nervous. Having a child was a huge new thing, she didn’t feel ready to raise one. And she was afraid she would get stretchmarks, something she thought would look unpleasant for everyone, something that could lead to her owner dumping her.
She also got more anxious about the shitty kitten, which lead to her owner hiding a mic in her collar and recording their talks. He recorded a lot to bring the ex-kitten into jail for a lifetime.
During her pregnancy, slowly but surprisingly stretchmarks formed all over her belly. Buttercup was devastated. Her belly was covered in stretch marks in her last month of pregnancy. She was worried about her future. She wasn’t that energetic during sex anymore, due to her big belly. The favorite position of her master, missionary, couldn’t be used during sex, and he had to do all the work because she didn’t have enough breath to go rough. Her surprising hip movements didn’t work, because she didn’t have enough energy. She thought her owner would definitely dump her now. Even tho she begged constantly for sex, he wouldn’t touch her on some days. And he was also a lot more away. In about 3 weeks she would give birth. A week after her birthday to be exact. And her owner just opened to her, that she would be required to give birth without midwife and painkillers.
She was very worried and a little Panicking
Here’s another long-awaited installment of our favourite cowgirl, Buttercup! <3
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