[Commissioned] Buttercup: A cow’s pride – part 2

Story by NUMB3Rs687835:
About a month later his birthday was due, he had had talks with her and the HPPS as well as the ex-kitten and the old guy from the experiment. During the time she was whit her owner, she grew extremely attached to him. She wouldn’t let anyone expect him to touch or order her around, which was becoming a problem for the experiment, because the much-needed examinations were becoming more and more difficult for the staff to handle without her owner present. Buttercup hated the ex-kitten. She was there to bring in the perspective of a pet, but most decisions or ideas coming from her were more anti-pet than helping to improve her life. So, her idea of getting Buttercup a nose ring wasn’t that great to her. Buttercup hated tattoos and piercings. Shure, she thought they look cute, but getting them was too painful.
She didn’t want the piercing if it was the idea of that shitty kitten. But after she overheard a conversation of her owner and the staff, where he mentioned that this ring sure would look cute on her, she changed her lovestruck mind immediately if he would like it, she would get it no matter what.
He later that day talked whit her about it, and that he would like it if she would get a tattoo designed by him too. She listened only partially, she thought his birthday is in a few weeks, and she didn’t have a present. The optional tattoo and the nose ring were perfect as a gift. She was allowed in bed since her birthday, and she didn’t find another way to say thank you. She would look even better for him, and he would get a birthday present. A win-win in her eyes. The thing she didn’t listen to, was, that getting the permission for the tattoo wasn’t that cheap. He had to bribe a lot of officials. A whole lot. It sure would have been easier for him, if she would stay as a pet forever, then he wouldn’t have to bribe the staff. Pets who would stay pets for life didn’t have to think about returning to become humans, which made mods less of a problem.
The shock came the moment he said the tattoo would take 6 to 8 one-hour sessions. She didn’t want to suffer over a week. So she stood stubborn and discussed with him, until she got her will and would get it in one session.
Now looking back it was a stupid idea, his birthday was spent in the tattoo shop, her crying of pain during the process. She had spent the last 5 hours getting tattooed. Her leg was tattooed from her ankle up to her butt, now hip and the rest of her body were prepared or already in the process of getting tattooed. The nose ring was already in place and welded shut. The two artists did their best to work fast and clean. But that didn’t help whit the pain at all. Buttercup was cursing herself for not listening to her owner, and just pressuring him into letting her do it this way. He held her hoof firm but loving, to restrain her and to give her a mental help. But when he left to get food for both, or to go to the toilet, she felt lonely and the pain got worse. The only thing she was happy about, was that she was wearing her pad to cover her pussy, because at home she wouldn’t even wear that. It was useless at home anyways. And the sex she had been looking forward to this evening wasn’t going to be as she imagined if it was going to happen at all.
She now understood the meaning of the sentence as dumb as a cow. She was indeed dumb as a cow, and the dumb cow.
The only thing she could do was to suffer till the end now.
To be continued….
Sorry for the long read, I was planning it shorter, but then got carried away. Hope you enjoyed it anyway. I’m open for comments, if you’re on patreon I will read the comments, or you can hit me up on Discord, if it’s on another platform, you can send me an email to oorben451@gmail.com. Just use the title as the subject. Thanks for the read.
Another installment of the lovely Buttercup’s adventure 🙂
Thank you so much to NUMB3Rs for the story, the commission and the support!
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