[Commissioned] Buttercup: A cow’s pride – part 1

Story by NUMB3Rs687835:
Buttercup had passed the one-year mark as cow a month ago. It had been her birthday, the first she had witnessed as a pet. The 6th of October had been weird. It was a Monday, a day her Owner would leave early, and would usually not come back before 7 pm. The main reason she still hated Mondays, getting waked up and milked too early, when her udders still hadn’t reached capacity, and then fairly to late, when her udders started bursting with milk. Her milking schedule was 3 times a day, at 8 in the morning, at 2 pm and the last time at 8, shortly before he went to sleep.
Every milking took an hour, an hour where she was bound to a place incapable of moving. She didn’t mind it, at least now, he would stay with her, had meals with her, and if she was needy, she could be sure, during milking she could get him easily to fuck her. Only Mondays were different. No sex in the morning, no matter how hard she tried, a dry breakfast with only water and bread. And in the evening, he sometimes fell asleep during her milking, which did upset her. Usually, they would talk, or at least he would tell her about his day. She usually tried to take part in the conversation trough mooing and body language. That’s what her training was all about, she would occasionally moo a little more during their conversations, he didn’t mind, and she was happy he did let her “speak” her mind.
But her birthday was different. She expected her birthday to be lonely, no one there a quick boring breakfast painfully full udders in the evening and a sleepy owner during the second milking who didn’t care about her hurting udders. Instead, she was the one waking up first. He was asleep. That was odd to her, he didn’t tell her he would go out later. Her udders had become bigger trough the year, they weren’t as firm when empty as they used to be, and they started sagging. She was unhappy about that, but at that moment, she just wanted to be milked.
She climbed up into his bed, which was forbidden for her. And started waking him up by licking his face. As he opened his eyes, she expected a punishment for breaking one of the few rules she had. Instead, he smiled at her, “happy birthday little one” he said, stood up patted her head and led her to the milking room. She got a birthday cake and cuddling during the first milking of the day. She wasn’t milked empty by the machine either, he drank directly from the source, which always made her happy, it was a pleasant feeling, and her favorite milking style. The liter of milk she gave a day was tiring work for her, but it got easier and his mouth made her feel good. The rest of the day was him next to her, sex, milking, and cuddling. She also did get a new toy, a dildo which was shaped like the only dick she knew, her owners. She liked it not as much as the present of him staying home with her that day. But she had to admit it was a cute and funny gift for her.
To be continued….
Disclaimer from NUMB3Rs: Sorry for the long read, I was planning it shorter, but then got carried away. Hope you enjoyed it anyways. I’m open for comments, if you’re on patreon I will read the comments, or you can hit me up on Discord, if it’s on another platform, you can send me an email to oorben451@gmail.com. Just use the title as the subject. Thanks for the read.
Another installment of the lovely Buttercup^^
Things are getting a bit more intimate!
Let us know what you think 🙂
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