An Intimate Inspection

Security at the Federal Bureau of Pettification Headquarters (FBP) in Central City had been getting tighter and tighter in response to increased terrorist activities by anti-ComPet (Compulsory Pettification) groups. So, it was no surprise to the petite puppy girl, Button, that there was a new security checkpoint in the building’s lobby. What did surprise her was who was doing the checking.
Button stopped and stared at the security trio. There was a uniformed police officer, a large, sleek Doberman Pinscher, and a puppy girl like herself—exactly like herself.
Oh, my God! She could literally be my twin!
Though they were nearly identical, their pet gear was quite distinct from each other. Button was “dressed” in her usual light brown, Pomeranian inspired ensemble of soft, fuzzy paws over her hands and feet, pointy ears clipped to the top of her head, a pink collar around her neck, and a fluffy tail attached to a “runt-sized” plug inserted up her unaccommodating backdoor. The other puppy girl wore a police blue set consisting of pointy ears in the style of a German shepherd, with a badge-shaped name tag hanging from her collar that read “Sub K-9 Minnie.” Over her small, perky breasts, she wore an almost transparent, bone-shape piece of material with the word “Police ” stenciled across it in bold white letters. Button would have been jealous that the girl got a little more covering than her if she hadn’t been distracted by the other pet girl’s lack of a c-string between her “hind legs.” Minnie’s “puppy parts” were out in the open air! Scrutinizing the other puppy girl’s drippy, little slit, Button wondered if that meant the police puppy got to paw herself whenever she wanted.
Look at how sloppy she is down there! I bet she DOES get to play with herself whenever she wants. No fair!
Then Button noticed the piercing Minnie had through her clit and she suddenly wasn’t jealous anymore. The thought of a needle coming anywhere near that area of her made Button go pale.
All that aside, it wasn’t the other puppy girl’s extra covering, lack of covering, or her piercing that really made Button take notice. It was the fact that they were both undersized, pale, dark haired girls of about the same age, with the same slight chests. It was absolutely uncanny how similar they looked!
“Hey, Rawlings,” Detective Robert Jericho—Master—greeted the police officer with a casual wave. With a slight tug on the leash he brought Button to heel. Button cocked her head to the side and looked at Minnie. The other puppy girl mirrored Button’s pose and gawked right back.
“Morning, Jericho.”
“What’s this about?”
“Oh, there was another bomb threat,” Rawlings said dismissively, “so they’ve got us checking everyone that comes in today. It’ll just take a few minutes.”
“No problem.” Master replied and popped a stick of gum in his mouth.
The large Doberman sitting next to Minnie had a badge shaped tag on his collar too with the name “Mickey” engraved across it. Though he wore no leash himself, he held the end of Minnie’s securely in his mouth.
Mickey and Minnie…Uh, cute I guess?
The intimidating dog narrowed his eyes at Minnie and gave a little tug to her leash.
Minnie immediately snapped to attention. “Woof! Yes, boss!” She chirped to the dog with complete earnestness.
Button furrowed her brow, retracted her tongue and huffed.
She gets to have her puppy parts out AND she gets to talk in public too? No fair! But why is she talking to a dog like that?
As if sensing Button’s petulance, Master choked up on her leash a bit in clear anticipation of a tantrum. Master had a way of squashing any misbehavior before she had the chance to misbehave. It was annoying that he could read her so well sometimes, but it did mean less scoldings, timeouts, and spankings in the long run.
Button’s mouth dropped open when she watched Minnie start to sniff around Master’s feet and then up his legs. As she was nearing his crotch, Button stared daggers at her.
Back off, bitch! That’s MY master!
Master’s reached down and gave her a reassuring pat on the head, calming her. She melted under his touch. There were also times it was nice that he could read her so well.
Minnie looked at Button out of the corner of her eye apologetically as she continued the inspection, as if to express that she was just doing her job. After several long moments of sniffing, Minnie returned to the side of Mickey.
“Woof! He’s clean, boss!” She said to him, again in a completely serious tone.
Officer Rawlings praised her. “Good girl, Minnie!” He reached down and slipped his fingers into her gaping, leaking entrance. Minnie yelped and humped his fingers without even a slight hesitation.
Button wiggled her behind as she watched her doppelganger.
Oh, I wish that was me right now!
…but only on Master’s fingers!
“These new Sub K-9s are great for this kind of work, but they’re really, really needy! You got to praise them after every check they do. It can get kind of exhausting!” Rawlings explained as his thick fingers went in and out of Minnie like a well-greased piston. After only a few seconds of intense fingering, Minnie’s eyes crossed and she looked as if she was going to have an orgasm, but then Rawlings took his hand away just as she seemed to be on the brink. Minnie glowered at him as he continued his explanation. “Of course, we don’t actually let them cum while they’re working. That’d only dull their senses! Isn’t that right, Minnie?”
“W-woof—Y-yes, sir…” She replied breathlessly, her hips still rocking ever so slightly against the air.
Master chuckled. “Yes, it makes them lazy and disobedient. You should see how this one is when I let her! It’s really a sorry sight!”
Button joined Minnie in glaring up at both men as they laughingly agreed.
“Minnie seems pretty well-trained though,” Master remarked. “Unlike the other skirts on the force, she doesn’t even need commands to remember the procedure and she understands the pecking order too.” He motioned to Mickey who continued to maintain a tight hold on Minnie’s leash.
Rawlings shook his head. “Oh, this little ditz still needs commands, but it’s Mickey who gives them to her.”
Master and Button alike gave a quizzical look.
The officer moved Minnie’s bangs out of the way and showed a small white paw print on her temple.
“Minnie has an experimental brain implant and so does Mickey. It allows them to communicate via the link.”
“So he can give her commands?” Master asked.
“In a way…it’s more like he gives her a feeling of what she’s supposed to do.”
“Wow, that’s pretty ingenious.”
“It’s definitely helpful to have another set of eyes on her! Plus it lets them share senses. For instance, she can sniff out contraband, the brain implant analyzes it, and then it sends the information over to Mickey so he can give her a second opinion.”
Mickey gave Minnie the same look as before and another slight tug on her leash.
Minnie spoke to Master, “Sir, can you remove your pet’s c-string please?”
Rawlings explained, “Minnie needs to give her a full check. Some of those terrorists have been posing as puppy girls and have been using their ‘love pockets’ to smuggle things into facilities if you can believe that.”
Button wiggled when the string was pulled away, exposing her to the light breeze running through the room, and everyone’s eyes. As always, her puppy parts seemed to have a mind of their own. It was as if they knew a part of Master, any part of him, was nearby so they twitched and grew slick for him.
Mickey looked at Minnie and once again she sat up a little straighter. “Woof! Yes, boss!”
The sudden intensity of Minnie’s hot breath on her exposed nether regions made Button protectively lower her backside to the ground.
“No, Button,” Master gave a slight tug to her leash. “It’s just a security check. Don’t be scared.”
I’m not scared! I’m…I’m…
Button gulped and raised her rear to meet Minnie’s inquisitive nose.
“Say,” Rawlings remarked. “Look at those two. It looks like they could have come from the same litter!”
“They really do look alike. They even get the same apple cheeks when they’re all hot and bothered!”
Button tried to be still. With her eyes visibly strained, she opened her mouth, lolled her tongue and tried to pant away the stimulating little puffs of air from Minnie’s rapid sniffing.
“Yeah, they both leak like broken faucets too!” Rawlings observed.
Button squeaked when Minnie’s nose pressed against her delicate, silky, pink lips as she continued the inspection. Mickey made a noise, not unlike a scoff. Button looked up at the big Doberman. He had the same disapproving look that Master’s English Mastiff, Zeus, always had when he looked at her. It made Button feel so lowly and gross. It just reminded her that as far as everyone was concerned, a boy dog was more dignified and higher on the totem pole than her!
That’s why boy dogs like Mickey and Zeus get to roam free and bitches like Minnie and me have to be leashed in public…So, why does knowing that make me hotter?
Mickey snorted.
“Don’t be lazy, Minnie,” Rawlings chided. “Check her inside and out!”
“…yes, sir…” Minnie replied in a muffled voice.
Button lurched forward and whined loudly when she felt Minnie’s busy tongue plunge inside of her.
Oh, God, I’m going to…right here in front of everyone!
Minnie’s tongue searched inside of Button quite thoroughly. It wasn’t the first time Button had “responded” to another puppy girl’s tongue. She’d done it lots of times with her best friend, Princess, but they knew each other very well, and it was always during play dates. She’d never reacted so strongly in public with a strange puppy girl!
“Damn,” Button heard one of the people waiting in the check point line remark. “You’d think these pups could get through a simple security check without cumming their little brains out!”
“You’d think that!” Master agreed. “But Button here is pretty well-trained. She knows not to do it without permission.”
Oh, why did he have to bring that up?
How much longer could Minnie’s tongue need before the Sub K-9 was satisfied? After what Master had said, there was no possible way Button could allow herself to “make cummies.” She’d have to hold it, or she’d make everyone watching think that Master hadn’t trained her properly!
The exploring tongue slid in and out and up and down against the trembling walls of her depths making Button shudder. She was past trying to pant her way through it and instead bit her paw mitten as she tried unsuccessfully to suppress a yowl, making certain that nearly all eyes were on her. With all her limbs trembling, the only thing that kept her from going over the edge was her not wanting to disappoint Master. Then, just as Button feared she could take no more, Minnie’s tongue withdrew and Button collapsed into a whining, sweaty heap on the floor.
While Button panted and drooled, Mickey looked at Minnie again. Minnie frowned and shook her head. The Doberman bared his teeth and made a low, almost imperceptible growl. Minnie sighed.
“Sir?” She looked up at Master. “…can you…can you remove your pet’s tail plug please?”
Master winked at her. “If you check the front you got to check the back, right? You’re being so thorough. Good girl!”
Master gripped Button’s tail. The puppy girl gave a start when she felt the bulbous plug sliding out of her tightness. She whined pitifully and started to sit up.
No, Master! Please don’t let her check me there! I’ll die of embarrassment!
As if answering her silent plea, Master simply placed his foot on the leash by Button’s collar to keep her head down and her small, pert butt in the air.
Minnie sighed deeply again and started sniffing. Button screwed her eyes shut as she felt Minnie’s hot puffs of breath against what had formally been her most private place. She shook like a leaf at the sensation of the other puppy girl’s nose against her delicate, crinkled rosebud.
It wasn’t just that another girl was nosing around such an intimate area that had Button so upset. She was truly worried about how disgusting it probably was for Minnie. Button had always hated how Master so often insisted that she be cleaned on the outside and inside. But she was suddenly very grateful that he had.
I guess Master really does know best…
Fortunately, that part of the inspection didn’t last long. Minnie sat up, leaving Button tingling, and then padded back to Mickey.
Looking slightly ill she said, “Woof…she’s…she’s clean, boss.”
The Doberman stared at her, appearing quite displeased with Minnie’s sudden reluctance.
“Sorry, boss…” Minnie added before turning her attention back to Master. “The check isn’t quiet done, sir. Can you remove your pet’s nipple pads next please?”
Master tugged on Button’s leash to coax her back up into a sitting position. Button groaned.
Oh, God, more?
With the heart-shaped pads pulled away, Button’s pink nipples pointed in the chill of the room. She squirmed when she felt Minnie’s hot breath again.
“Sometimes they smuggle stuff under their udders, I mean, the ones with big ones do…” Rawlings sounded almost embarrassed for Button as he trailed off.
“I understand, procedure is procedure, you have to check everyone. Even the ‘itty-bitty’ ones…Besides, I don’t think Button minds, do you, girl?”
Yes, I mind! Well…maybe…I dunno…?

While she sniffed, Minnie’s nose brushed against the undersides of Button’s breasts making them prickle pleasingly. Then the Sub K-9 gently placed her mouth around Button’s left nipple and began to suck. Button inhaled sharply. She was caught between pushing Minnie away and pulling her closer. She did neither and instead just whined pathetically in response to Master’s question while Minnie switched to the other nipple and vigorously sucked on it too.
What is their excuse for inspecting my nipples? What could I even hide there?
Button gasped as Minnie broke contact and prepared for what Officer Rawlings assured Master would be the last part of the inspection.
“We’re about done, sir.” Minnie panted. “Can your pet—Button—open her mouth for me please?”
Master gave Button the command and she obediently opened her trembling mouth. She was face to face with Minnie and once again had the feeling that she was looking into a mirror. Minnie’s face was coated in Button’s sticky juices. Button’s nose was assailed with her own odor as Minnie came closer with her own mouth open and her tongue hanging out.
Button had given other puppy girls plenty of “puppy kisses,” which meant lots of licking across the face and other places. But she’d never pressed lips with another puppy girl or taken one’s tongue in her mouth. Even Master didn’t kiss her on the mouth because of her “doggy breath,” and she didn’t really blame him given all the dirty places her mouth had to go on a daily basis. Minnie’s skillful tongue searched every corner of Button’s hot, wet mouth the same way it had investigated her down below. Their tongues touched and spiraled around each other, and both puppy girls whimpered into each other’s mouths.
Button felt faint when Minnie broke away. Panting, the Sub K-9 padded back over to Mickey. With Button’s juices and saliva dripping off her chin, Minnie squatted in front of the Doberman and said in a shaky voice, “W-woof…she’s clean, bosss!
Mickey stared back at her as if he were thoroughly, and probably justifiably, judging her.
Rawlings laughed and asked, “Are you sure, Minnie? You don’t need to check either end of her a little more?”
Minnie blushed furiously. A little puddle of her own juices had begun to form under her after only a few seconds.
“Woof—n-no, sir!” She replied and then looked up at Master, licked her lips thoughtfully, and added in a very business-like tone that was in sharp contrast to her messy, pathetic appearance, “Your pet is in excellent health, Detective Jericho! And you might be interested to know that she’s currently in heat if you should want to breed her!”
Master patted Button on the head. “Oh, I already know. Thank you, Minnie. Keep up the good work!”
“Woof! Thank you, sir!”
“We’re done.” Rawlings said. “Thanks for your patience. Good to see you, Jericho.”
With her c-string, tail plug and nipple pads replaced, Button crawled shakily after Master on the way to the elevator. She looked over her shoulder and watched Minnie getting her “reward” for completing another inspection. As before, Rawlings stopped before Minnie could get satisfaction, leaving the girls shaking and begging for more.
Just before she was out of earshot, Button heard Rawlings say to the Doberman, “Mickey, take Minnie for a ‘break.’ The little bitch has earned it!”
Button’s jaw dropped as she saw the large, terrifying dog deposit the drooly end of the leash into Minnie’s mouth, before he bit the back of the puppy girl’s collar and dragged her towards a nearby janitor’s closet. The two, almost identical puppy girls made eye contact for a moment. Minnie had a look that Button recognized only too well. There was noticeable revulsion, anger, and even fear on her face, but all of those feelings were drowned out by unrelenting, terrible neediness.
As the elevator doors closed on the scene, Button shuddered. Wrapping her arms around Master’s leg, she comforted herself by knowing that he would never allow such a thing to happen to her. Of course, he did have the right to allow it if he so chose, but he’d never, ever do it.
One thing was for sure. She was going to be a lot more respectful of Master’s dog, Zeus, in the future!

Hi, y’all!
Here’s a special ComPet collaboration between us and The talented Brentwood!
More of Sue’s story but this time she meet up with Minnie, the sub-k9! (Previously: )
Check out more of Brentwood here:
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