A story from a far land: The School Monitor

Bestiality content warning
Hi y’all! A quick surprised piece out of pure inspiration today! Ok. So, many of you might know that I’m on a trip to a faraway land where the sun rises quicker(therefor, the future) and there’s a flu epidemic. But here’s the fun part, a bunch of stuffs I found during my trip inspired me to draw a really weird sexual pic! So here’s the first one(I got a few ideas of these written down. Let see if I can get to any more of them at some point)
There’s this college that I visited that has a pond right next to a faculty building. In that pond there’re these huge “water monitors”, big water lizards, just chilling in there being huge and itimidating like they own the place. They are larger than big dogs and look scary, but they are pretty chill and normally won’t harm any humans. Sometime these guys go on land and hang out next to the footpath where the students walk by, trying to avoid them. Sometime they hang out in a large gap under the building. It looks like they nest under there. So, I imagined, what would happen if one of these big lizard get too “friendly” with a student and “invite” one to his home? To nestflix and chill, or something like that
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