A story from a far land #2: The Convenient Strays

Number 2 weird thoughts I had back when I was on a trip back in Oct, is about stray dogs. So where I visited, 24 hours convenient stores are pretty much the main source of munchies for college students. It can get pretty hot in the summer and there’s always a few stray dogs hanging aroung the entrance of the store. They are there for the cool air from the AC whenever the door opens. Sometimes this can be a nuisance for the store, but most of the time people just accept it and enjoy the company of the doggos.
So I imagine a scenario where a store gets creative(and maybe somewhat evil) and really leans into the animal care angle and provides the doggos with a more “special” service <3 To do so with some helps from a random animal loving customer shouldn’t be any trouble, right?

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