Three-Swords Style
Hi, y’all!Here’s a fun couple of pics for ya! Special thanks to our new benefactor and above tiered supporters: USER#5FD9A7FD, USER#1FCB4F63, USER#348D0F52, USER#88878E94, Slave Craft | alexlaza, rylu139, Juantana |
Hi, y’all!Here’s a fun couple of pics for ya! Special thanks to our new benefactor and above tiered supporters: USER#5FD9A7FD, USER#1FCB4F63, USER#348D0F52, USER#88878E94, Slave Craft | alexlaza, rylu139, Juantana |
Hi, y’all!Since it’s the month of May, I wanted to draw a pic of our May^^ (who comes with Max of course) I went with a fun flexible pose!For those
Hi, y’all!Here’s our new set! A story of friendship and bromance <3It’s that gay time of the month again! 😛 Special thanks to our new Benefactor and above tiered supporters:
Let’s do some deep diving! — A random pic I drew a few days back^^ It was a fun study on see-through, skin-tight cloth drawing 🙂 Just wanna post this
A tier reward pic for Jpmaggers!Thank you for the support and for letting me share!Check out Jpmaggers’ works here:TFGames -> tfgames.site/index.php?module=viewgame&id=1309Patreon -> patreon.com/jpmaggers +5
(Warning: Extreme body modification!)Hi, y’all!Here’s a new set! It’s about some cartoonishly toxic body positivity and it’s quite extreme^^” So we’re not doing a shout out on this one^^”Let me
A pic for TrueDoubleJ!Thank you for the support and for letting me share! +14
A requested sketch for an anonymous user!Thank you!More info on Pixiv’s Request: +6
Alternate titles: Training day, Blue’s clue 😛 Hi, y’all!Here’s our new compet comic! Another doggy one and a police one!It’s pretty much an expansion on this pic https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/85348353 we did
A requested pic for Builder877!Thank you! More info on Pixiv’s Request: +4