B&B featurelett: Pilot
An in-depth look into The Bound and the Beast’s pilot and their equipments. —– Hi y’all! I’m still on the roll with B&B!Really want to get this pilot info out
An in-depth look into The Bound and the Beast’s pilot and their equipments. —– Hi y’all! I’m still on the roll with B&B!Really want to get this pilot info out
Penal Pet: “Trashy” Age: 19 Status: On a 6 months probation service period after 2 months of crash course obedience training. What would a parent do when their grown, spoiled
Petplay gone interstella, once again^^ A commission by AmorIncorporated! Thank you so much for the support and for letting me post this pic, Amor! +1
This is a really really fun pic to make!^^I actually worked this pose out from a reference pic of a doggo catching frisbee lol^^It was really fun! I like designing
It’s here y’all!The epic struggle for existence between humans and machines!Go to our Discord server to see the whole dang thing! Thanks to BIBI’s executive tier support for help making
Say “Ah-h” <3 Thank you, masters and mistresses for dropping by! —– Hi y’all! We reached 4000 followers at Pixiv and here’s April to say, thank you for being a
Hi y’all!We did some brainstorming of our new concept today in our Discord server.It’s shaping up to be very exciting!Here’s a WIP glimpse into that 😉 0
She’s got team spirit and more!—–Hi y’all! Here’s the remaster, of sort, of my old work “Team Mascot” from when I started posting NSFW pic^^ (See here: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/72500674)Look where we
Hi y’all! I want to do a patron participated captions for the pics here, but I also want to post this set soon. So can we have an express version
Continue reading[Caption Challenge] The Mascot – remastered!
Here’s HappyTanuki (or Lusk^^”)’s tier reward this month, y’all!A Tanuki in heat <3 Thank you for the support and for letting me share the sketch! *Another monthly tier sketch is